We have got a new garden machine. Both The Man and The Son of The House loved operating it. They where using it for hours. I'm stunned with shock. What made them do this for so long? It's probably because they could ruin something. Mash it totaly in pieces. Some man-thing. I have no other explaination.
These are branches (we trimmet our threes and bushes this spring) from our garden cut in small pieces with our new garden machine. This is very good for making compost, but thats next years project. Her er et bed med lavendel, stemorblomst og koriander. Som dere ser så er det ugress også. Jeg tok bort ugresset og fylte på med kuttede grener. Dette gjør jeg for å ha mindre ugress og til neste år er det blitt ny næring til jorden. Dette holder også mer på fuktigheten. En vinn vinn situasjon!
This is a bed with coriander, lavender and flowers. As you can see there are some weeds in between. I took the weeds away and filled the ground with the branch pieces. I do this so I will have less weeds and next year this has given some more nutrition to this place. It will also hold on to the humidity. A win win situation!
Dette er hva det handler om for meg. Sirkelen av bruk og gjenbruk. Dette er hva jeg ønsker å å lære: Å ha en sirkel i alt som foregår i min hage. Kompost - jord, frø - planter, grener - ny næring osv.
This is what it all is about. The circle of use and reuse. This is what I want to learn: To have a circle in all whats going on in my garden. Compost - soil, seeds - plants, branches - new nutrition etc.
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